Just one ordinary mom , just one ordinary day

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Sexting…sex…pregnant…baby..now what?


This past week our minister had written in our church bulletin ( newspaper) of the problem of sexting and how some of the Christian young people had been engaging in this activity . When I read it I had to say it bothered me immensely .
Now understand this by no way am I saying that I am judging them because then I would be the world biggest hypocrite. . What I am saying is i feel pain because I know what that leads to . I was looking up some statistic and the fact were outrageous .
I can’t find the link now but I’ll sum it up. It said that 26% of youth between the ages of 13-17 sext. That what they had written 72% carried out the explicit deeds. 64% of those that did were girls .
That is sad .
Why is that sad? We have allowed our “world” to be open to private bedroom activities. Everything is about how sexual you are . When they want you to buy something they jazz it up with something sexy because sex sells.
That’s what we are teaching our children . Tat they have to be sexy , that they have to have sex appeal . Then when someone calls them a slut or a skank they get offended but the truth is they are presenting them selves that way by what they think is sexy .
When a teen sext they are putting themselves and their body into the hands of others . A girl send her boyfriend an racy text , two week later they break up , he sends the text out to everyone on his list and her world and reputation gets dragged through the mud.
Sexual predators are widely known for this . To pose as someone the teen may know and then ask them to do things that are sexual in front of a camera. Once it’s on the Internet anyone can find it .
The fact that teens are sexing is so dangerous . We as parents need to monitor cellphones , Internet time and know where and what our children are doing .
We need to be teaching them that their bodies are precious gifts. That it is like a present meant only for their spouse to unwrap. My mother told me this and I nodded my head and said what she wanted to hear. I turned around and started doing sexual things , exploring shall we say. Then one night in a car with my boyfriend I lost my virginity. When it was all said and done, I couldn’t see what was so special about sex.
We broke up and I continued on with doing whatever I felt like. I didn’t care so much about sex except the pleasure . There was no real intimacy to it .
I was 19 and in the bathroom of Tom Hortons when I got the two little pink lines on the pregnancy test. That feeling should have been one of extreme joy but it wasn’t . How was I going to tell my boyfriend , his parents , my parents. No one was going to be happy about the situation .
I was right . It wasn’t well excepted news at all. In fact It was down right painful .
Then as the pregnancy wore on and it tools its tole , I knew I had to straighten my life out . I turned back to GOD and I found forgiveness and freedom in him . For once in my life I knew I needed this not only for myself but for my unborn child.
Now sexting may not have led me on that path but then again cellphones we pretty simple back then . My point is that it starts with something small and then grows as all things do . It’s hard to put a stop to it . Girls will say I won’t do anything I don’t want to but the truth is that you will want to for all the wrong reasons. He won’t pressure you but he won’t say no if you put it out there.
When my husband and I talk now about if we could go back and change things there are certain things we wish for .
1) that we had been each others first and only. When you think about your spouses being intimate with another person it sure doesn’t feel great
2) that we had been married and in a stable relationship before we had sex so that all the complications and consequence of having a baby outside of marriage would no longer exists.

Girls; you are beautiful and sex was made for marriage. Being sexy is being you loveable wonderful self and if he doesn’t like that he’s not worth it . He should want to spend time with you and getting to know you instead of playing around with your boobs. If he loves you he won’t ask , don’t offer! If he pressures you he’s not in it for you .
Boys: if she offers say no . She wants your approval and wants you to know she is invested in you , tell her there are other ways to prove It . Show her respect like she is the most valuable thing that you co update ever take care of for someone else. If she pressures for sex say no . You to are valuable and wonderful the way you are and are not an object of sexual desire. It’s not lie if all she wants to do is the deed.

I want all the teen out there to know that pregnancy and being a parent is not easy . It’s a 24 hour job that doesn’t pay . So you will be doing 2 possibly 3 jobs to take care of the baby . Your parent did their time it’s not fair to ask them to do it all over again . It’s not just you who get tangled up in everything. Your decision will affect everyone around you wether you like it or not. Say good bye to your friends , they will be off enjoying their freedom which you now have to give up . There is a reason that GOD ordained sex for marriage .

So the next time you think about sexting think about a little crying screaming baby that’s not hungry , that’s diaper had been changed and it just won’t stop from 3am to 6 am . Hopefully that will be enough to change your mind .


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